Covid-19 notice
To our clients I realize the COVID-19 virus has created uncertainty in our community. The health and welfare of our customers and associates is my first priority and we are doing everything we can to support and protect both during these difficult times. Listed below are a few of the steps we are taking: 1) All associates have been advised if they or someone in their household does not feel well, do not come to work. Go to the doctor and I will work with them to ensure they are compensated during their time off, even if the illness is not related to COVID-19. Let’s error on the side of caution.
2) All door handles in the store, countertops and customer touch points are being wiped down with disinfectant multiple times per day.
3) I have requested our team to temporarily refrain from shaking hands with an any client, vendor or co-worker; this including high-fives and fist bumps.
4) Keys will be wiped down with a disinfectant upon receipt and prior to return to our clients. a. Please help us with this and provide ONLY the key / (fob) for the vehicle in for service and remove all other keys or charms from the key.
5) Steering wheels, shift handles, and other driver “touch” points will be wiped down by an associate with a disinfectant prior to entering the vehicle and again once the vehicle is completed in the shop.
6) Disinfectant wipes are available for clients requesting them, see the Service Advisors.
7) We ask all customers planning to stay with us in the waiting room to use these guidelines: a. If you are ill, please stay home. b. cover cough or sneeze with a tissue and then discard in the trash. c. Wash hands thoroughly and often, at least 20 seconds.
1 HANDS Wash them often 2 ELBOW Cough into it 3 FACE Don't touch it 4 FEET Stay more than 3ft apart 5 FEEL sick? Stay home
Written on Tuesday, March 17, 2020 by Permalink |
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